
How to be an organized Mom or Dad?

Being organized is one part that needs to be followed by all the parents, it not only helps you with your own work but also helps keep up with the schedule as well as you keep up with the things which are happening in your child's life and you tend to make them a responsible and organized individual as well. House Cleaning Lake Forest Park have put together a few tips that will make you a better organized parent during house cleaning


1.10-minute rule:

During the house cleaning process make it a habit to use a 10-minute rule at home for cleaning at night. Involve the whole family, this could turn into your family activity before going to bed, ask everyone to pick up all the things and place them in their respective places.


2. Use of family calendar:

When house cleaning a large calendar can be placed in a central place and all the family members can have access to it, everyone place all the important events for that month can place them so that things can be planned easily and children's activities can also be planned accordingly. 


3. Dirt room:

During the house cleaning process the dirt room should be used to place all the things which are connected with taking out or to be used outside, rather than throwing them here and there and then going around in the whole house just to find specific things. Also dirt room can be utilized to place all the magazines or stuff like that which needs to be taken out so that it can act as a reminder.


4. Printed grocery list:

When house cleaning one should prefer using a printed grocery list rather than replying on the memory. You can form a printed list where you can mention all the items that need to be bought with time to time and then at the time of grocery just buy all the things you need rather than taking multiple rounds just to buy two or three things. 


5. Responsibilities for the children:

When house cleaning you should make a reward chart for your children and also a household chores chart, this will encourage your child to perform their chores. Once they have performed a chore give them a reward  against it as promised. This will not only help you out but also make your child a responsible individual.   


6. One in and one out rule:

When house cleaning this rule has helped out many families, following this rule you can choose to give away a toy or any object against every new thing bought, this can help your child with the concept of charity and they will always know that once they receive a new thing they have to give away an old thing to someone who could use it or to someone who needs it. 


For more house cleaning tips regarding mom and dad you can get help from your local house cleaning lake forest park experts.