Different Ways to Remove Chewing Gum from Your Clothes | House Cleaning Lake Forest Park
In the terms of laundry one of the toughest things to get rid of is the chewing gum, you accidentally step or sit on the gum and then it sticks to the clothes and is difficult to remove it that easily. You are in luck that house cleaning lake forest park have gathered few house cleaning tricks for you that can make it easy for you to easily get it off from your clothes.
Freezing method:
When house cleaning you must have gone by the method of freezing the gum with ice and then scraping it off, well this is the same method all you need to do it get an ice cube and rub it over the cloth where the gum is stuck until it hardens and then quickly scrape it off with a knife, paint scraper or a spoon. Another way is to place the cloth in a zip lock bag and then place it straight in the freezer until it hardens up rock solid then take it out and carefully using a sharp tool such as a blunt knife and scrape it off, the little pieces that remain stuck can be removed using tweezers.
By warming:
For house cleaning another way of getting the gum off the clothes is by melting it up, now you have to use something that can melt the gum but at the same time should be gentle on the clothes, so for that reason, you can use a hairdryer the heat from it will melt the gum and then you can easily remove it.
When house cleaning an easy trick to get the gum off your favorite garment is by using an iron. All you need is a clean cardboard piece, place the garment on top of it ( the gum side facing down towards the cardboard) turn the iron to the medium setting and iron on the garment, it will take a few minutes, the gum will soften and stick to the cardboard and you can easily strip clean your clothes leaving the gum stick to the cardboard.
Use of liquid soap;
When house cleaning, This trick comes in handy as well as all homes have liquid soap, if you find an area covered in gum simply just cover it liquid soap, use a small brush or a toothbrush work it in a circular motion this will help it loosen up and you can easily scrape it off with the help of a blunt knife, the remaining residual can be removed with the help of fingernails or tweezers. Then wash the cloth as normal.
Use of Hairspray;
When house cleaning, If the gum sticks to your clothes another easy way to get it off is by using the hairspray, simply get the hairspray from your vanity and spray it all over the affected area, the hairspray will harden it up, once it hardens up you can peel it off with ease.
For more house cleaning chewing gum removing tips call your local house cleaning lake forest park experts