
Tips to organize your toothbrush holder

There are some things that we overlook while cleaning the house, toothbrush holder is one of those things, we give our whole bathroom a deep cleaning but we always tend to leave the cleaning of the toothbrush holder. We don’t even realize but toothbrush holder is one of those things that contains more germs that can be found on the toilet seat. So instead of cleaning the toothbrush holder once a year or not at all pay attention at ever cleaning it we should add it to the cleaning list as well. House Cleaning Lake City has some tips that can come in handy when cleaning the toothbrush holder.

1.  Cleaning toothbrush holder

When house cleaning the toothbrush holder, it is quite easy and can be done very easily and quickly too. You can even place your toothbrush holder in the dishwasher for a deep cleaning if it is dishwasher safe. Or else you can use the liquid detergent and hot water to clean the toothbrush holder. Makes sure that you presoak your toothbrush holder to remove the gunk from it.

·         When house cleaning place your toothbrush holder on a clean microfiber cloth.

·         During house cleaning you will need to remove the extra parts of the toothbrush holder separately.

·         Then soak all the parts of the toothbrush holder in very hot water, you can either clog the water in the clean sink or in a bucket.

·         Then wear your gloves to protect your hands, take some detergent on the sponge or microfiber cloth.

·         Take the cloth to wipe all the parts of the toothbrush holder.

·         Then rinse well all the parts of the toothbrush holder to remove the remaining soap of the toothbrush holder.

·         You need to use a dry microfiber cloth to dry all the parts of the toothbrush holder, before placing it back.

2.   Cleaning electric toothbrush holder

When house cleaning, the electric toothbrush holder you can perform the cleaning on this kind too, not that difficult. You should just know how to do it and what steps to adopt to do the cleaning without damaging your toothbrush holder.

·         When house cleaning since you are giving your electric toothbrush holder a cleaning so you need to remove it from the charging base.

·         You will need to make a mixture of hot water and liquid dish soap.

·         When house cleaning, dip the cloth in this mixture and wipe down the sides of the toothbrush holder.

·         Then use a clean dampened cloth to wipe the soap residual of the toothbrush holder.

·         You will need to make a mixture of vinegar and water to clean the cap of the toothbrush holder.

·         Then rinse it under water.

·         You need to use a hair dryer set on very low settings to dry the insides of the toothbrush holder properly.

·         When house cleaning once all the things are dried then place the toothbrush holder back its place.  


For more toothbrush holder cleaning tips you should call your local House Cleaning Lake City experts.