
Tips to Wash Bathroom Rugs - House Cleaning Bothell

Washing the bathroom rugs depend on the following house cleaning factors: 

  • Non-skid Rubber Rugs/mats
  • Most Frequent used rugs
  • Splatter water on the floor

Follow tips by house cleaning bothell for cleaning bathroom rugs:


If you have got a non-skid rubber rugs then they can't tolerate the water frequently. Also, the durability of the rubber also reduces when it is washed with hot water. So, wash them in 3-4 weeks when house cleaning. However, if your rug is being used on regular basis then it must be cleaned weekly. Dry the rug after every wash because there are still some germs left in it. If your rug is surrounded by water then it requires special care due to fungi and the other microorganisms. So try to wash them regularly and dry them completely before using them.

Several Factors on which Washing Bathroom Rugs Depend 

Durability and comfort from the product requires special attention and care. There are several factors you need to focus on. You just can’t throw the rugs into the water and wash them. Follow few steps before washing the rugs during house cleaning.

Use the Right Products:

House cleaning depends on the right material you use for washing. So, don’t use bleach or other chemicals as that might ruin the backing. Also, vinegar might also destroy the rugs.

Shake Before Wash:

Shake your rugs before dipping them into the water for house cleaning. It helps to remove the debris that is stuck between it. However, if you continue this process regularly then there is no need to wash the rugs with water.

Look at the Care Label:

Always pay attention on the manufacturer’s instruction on the label during house cleaning. Most of the rugs are washable but sometimes you may find hand washing rugs. Also, there can be different instructions to laundry the rugs.

Always Keep Double Rugs:

You must keep one rug in front of your toilet. As the rug requires a little bit extra time to get dried up, one rug will be not enough to keep your toilet clean. So, use two rugs when one is dirty you can use the second one.

Use the Right Temperature:

Too much hot or cold water may harm the rugs. When the hot water loosen the glue then the cold water doesn’t refresh the dirt. Though, it’s important to wash your rugs at the right temperature in order to lose the carpet fibers.

Air dry is the best:

Air dry is the best way to keep the glue intact. It helps the carpet to stay strong. So, you can dry them up in the sun for 20 minutes and if the sun-dry is not possible then dry it manually.

Determine the Rug Material:

The quality of the rug is determined by the material. It can be either plastic or rubber. No matter what material is used. Each of them has a different method to refresh.


➽It’s not easy to maintain bathroom rugs and if you are not having time then get in touch with House Cleaning Bothell for details. Contact House cleaning Bothell now.